
发布时间:2018年03月21日 09:47发布者:郑祺浏览次数:

http://ses.cug.edu.cn/images/__localBB05F8CCCAEB007C046FB36C4B690A8D_C1D05469_5C4A.jpg?e=.jpg   王焰新,男,196311月生,汉族,博士,教授、博导,校长,中共党员,山西省原平市人。


















   1.Yanxin Wang, G. M. Shpeyzer, 1997, Genesis of thermal groundwaters from Siping’an district, China. Applied Geochemistry, Vol.12, 437-445

  2. Eric J. Reardon, Yanxin Wang, 2000. A limestone reactor for fluoride removal from wastewaters. Environmental Science and Technology, 34: 3047-3053

  3.Yanxin Wang, Eric J. Reardon, 2001. Activation and regeneration of a soil sorbent for defluoridation of drinking water. Applied Geochemistry, 16: 531-539

  4.Yanxin Wang, Eric J. Reardon, 2001. A siderite/limestone reactor to remove arsenic and cadmium from wastewaters. Applied Geochemistry16: 1241-1249

  5.Y. Wang, T. Ma, Z. Luo, 2001. Geostatistical and geochemical analysis of surface water leakage into groundwater on a regional scale:a case study at the Liulin karst water system, northwestern China. Journal of Hydrology, 246: 223-234

  6.Yanxin Wang, YonglongGuo, Zhihua Yang, X. Querol, 2003. Synthesis of zeolites using fly ash and their application in removing heavy metals from waters. Science in China, Series D, 967-976

  7.Wang, YX, Liang, Z, Yuan, XM, Xu, YS, 2005. Preparation of cellular iron using wastes and its application in dyeing wastewater treatment. Journal of Porous Materials, 12: 225-232

  8.Yanxin Wang, Qinghai Guo, Chunli Su; Teng Ma. 2006. Strontium isotope characterization and major ion geochemistry of karst water flow, Shentou, northern China. Journal of Hydrology, 328: 592-603

  9.Yanxin Wang, Hui Liu, JianguoBao, Yan Hong, Zhihua Yang, Caixiang Zhang, 2008. SMRH process: a novel technology of cleaner production of diosgenin from DioscoreaZingiberensis Journal of Cleaner Production, 16: 1133-1137

  10. Yanxin Wang, StepanShvartsev, Chunli Su, 2009. Genesis of arsenic/fluoride enriched soda waters: a case study at Datong basin, Applied Geochemistry, 24(4): 641–649

  11. Yanxin Wang, XianjunXie, Thomas M. Johnson, Craig C. Lundstrom, Andre Ellis, Xiangli Wang, MengyuDuan, Junxia Li, 2014. Coupled iron, sulfur and carbon isotope evidences for arsenic enrichment in groundwater. Journal of Hydrology, 519(PA): 414-422.

Prof. Dr. Yanxin Wang

School of Environmental Studies
China University of Geosciences
Wuhan, P. R. China 430074

Fax: +86-27-87481030

Title and Position

Professor of Hydrogeology and Environmental Engineering

Vice president of Chinese Chapter of International Association of Hydrogeologists

Member of Working Group on Water-Rock Interaction of International Association of Geochemistry

Education and professional background

1980- 1984: Nanjing University, Major in Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology; Bachelor Degree received in July, 1984

1984-1990: Graduate School of China University of Geosciences, Major in Hydrogeology, Master Degree received in July, 1987; PhD Degree received in June, 1990

1990- : Faculty in China University of Geosciences. Promoted as Professor of Hydrogeology and Environmental Engineering in November, 1994 by the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources of PRC.

Research Interests

Water-rock interaction and groundwater geochemistry

Water pollution control

Waste disposal and recycling